Ronald Hanser quoted today in “Dear Gracie” column
My top-line advice to speakers – “Preparation is the most important factor contributing to a great speech” – kicks off Grace Lavigne’s “Dear Gracie” column today.
Lavigne lists a few “speaker fundamentals” that I hope are helpful to you, including:
- “Learn about your audience — who are they, and what do they want to learn or hear?”
- “Business leaders especially are too busy to sit through a speech that does not provide new and relevant information, unique insight or interpretation, or some form of entertainment… Ideally, the speaker will provide all three of these, plus an interactive opportunity like a Q&A.”
- On ‘hooking’ the audience fast at the beginning of a speech: “The first five to 10 seconds of a speech count most, as the listener is forming their opinion of the speaker, content and style of the presentation.”
- “Content is more important than the way the speech is delivered, but both are important. Imagine FDR’s speech following the Pearl Harbor attack 70 years ago if he had decided not to begin with ‘A date which will live in infamy.’ The content counted most, because it helped every American realize that our priorities as a nation had changed. ‘How’ he called America to action was important, but secondary to the primary message. That content still lives on via print publications, recordings, the Internet, etc. It would have been perfect for Twitter!”
Lavigne also summarized experts’ excellent advice regarding speech preparation, delivery, content and “four lessons from Steve Jobs” (my favorite).
PR Newswire/ProfNet editor Grace Lavigne writes the Dear Gracie column that is followed by more than 44,000 business, science and academic experts across North America. I’m flattered that Grace calls me a “seasoned PR pro” because helping our clients communicate more effectively is usually reward enough.
Searching for the right words for any setting? Give us a call…
Ronald Hanser, President, Hanser & Associates