If your organization needs a better strategy for social media, here’s insight you can use…
Social media guru Caleb Gardner dished up heavy-hitter ideas for Hanser & Associates’ staff and partners last week at our IPREX Annual Meeting in Chicago. Gardner — from the team responsible for the world’s third largest Twitter account as well as the Barack Obama Facebook page — talked about where digital is going, including the opportunities and challenges. It boils down to two words: engagement and data.
His advice: assess the “Four Cs” that count in an organization’s social media channels:
- CONTENT: Are you telling your story in a compelling way? Can potential customers (and other key stakeholders) find and understand it?
- COMMUNITY: Do customers feel that they are “part of something?’
- COMMERCE: Is your social media content adding value (something helpful to the reader/viewer)? Are you only “selling?”
- CONVICTION: Is your content a “bonding” experience (one that drives action, advocacy or referral)?
We can help you with each of the Four Cs, moving your social media fans/followers up the ladder of engagement from passive followers to active advocates/customers.
- FIRST STEP: Followers/fans of content
- MIDDLE STEP: Active likers/commenters
- TOP STEP: Advocates who take action, participate in events, purchase and recommend your products/services to others
Gardner notes the key is to track data in your social media program to know what causes people to move up your ladder.
Do you have a lot of people on the top step? If not, let’s talk about how to get you there.