Everybody is doing video, right?
There’s certainly a potential audience for your company’s video. On YouTube alone there are 800 million visitors watching 4 billion hours of video every month.
Studies worldwide and in the USA confirm that video is leading the growth of online content for marketers of all sizes. Hanser & Associates’ 2012 Des Moines Social Media survey found video production up sharply (18 points), trailing only Twitter and social networks in terms of Central Iowa organizations’ publishing activity.
We’re producing video for almost every client program and campaign today. For example:
• Calvin Community, a retirement community whose customers average more than 80 years of age, has put video to work with help from residents and their families
• TV news editors across North America broadcast our news video for megabus.com
• Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa uses patients’ videos to define quality care
• World Food Prize Foundation celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2011 with a four-minute video segment webcasted worldwide and televised on Iowa Public Television.
So, yes: every organization should be producing video in 2012.
Video is a powerful connector – telling stories and sharing information like no other medium. Literally, it shows up in all your Google searches, right? And the barriers to production are very low. More importantly, your current and potential customers seek it and share it as they make purchases. In fact, most people will spend at least two minutes watching a video that educates them about a product they plan to purchase.
Take a minute to think of where video could help you – internal meetings, sales pitches, customer support, news releases, event capture and more – and then resolve to get after it today.
Please email Ryan Hanser at rhanser@hanser.com if you have questions or need help with video. We enjoy the work and can handle location shooting anywhere in the world.